Rewind Art #14 Present "PANCAROBA"
“Pancaroba” in the dictionary of Indonesian Language is the weather movement (by the random condition on the air) or in the condition in Indonesia means the weather movement between the summer and rainy. Seen by the weather condition in the nature now, it could be said that Indonesia is in extreme condition later by the random weather movement or named “Pancaroba”.
In the phenomenon from that “Pancaroba” phenomenon occur when there is high storm frequency, heavy rain with thunder and strong wind. Moreover, taken from the body of research and development. “Pancaroba” is the movement from the rainy season to the summer. “Pancaroba” comes characterized by the strong wind, tornado, unexpected rain in several times, hot air and the random wind direction.
The temperature of air which is susceptible to change in the transitioning seasons has of late affecting the environmental condition in which virus grows and multiply in a negative way to us, bacteria aplenty could easily grow in number and be the cause for the dropping rates of immune systems by the people affected by it. other consequence of the transitioning seasons especially in indonesian includes a dropping figures on rainfall intensity, causing a long-term drought that had became the cause of forest fires.
Performance art being a visual art that seems some action who did by itself. From the riset artist so the action who made by their self not only a characteristic of expressions from the artist. Every artist must have did a representation “Pancaroba”. Who must be a center of view. The power of built an artwork eksperimental (performance art) will up to critic ideas from artist that made quality artwork and relation to something else.
Open Call For
Performance Video & Documentation Performance
Performance Video & Documentation Performance
- Peserta wajib mengisi formulir yang telah di sediakan.
- Ukuran video yang di unggah maksimal 1 Giga byte
- Durasi video yang dikirimkan maksimal 15 menit
- Format video yang di kirimkan berupa .avi
- Karya yang diunggah menggunakan media penyimpanan google drive, melalui akun gmail masing masing peserta.
- Peserta wajib membagikan file yang telah diunggah melalui google drive, ke alamat email
- Untuk langkah – langkah cara membagikan file video melalui google drive,bisa di unduh melalui link berikut.
- Karya yang di buat dalam video bukan hasil dari plagiasi karya yang sudah ada melainkan orisinal dari para peserta.
- Panitia berhak mengkualifikasi setiap video yang bersifat menjatuhkan atau merendahkan suku , agama, dan pihak – pihak terkait.
- Pengiriman video dapat di unggah mulai dari tanggal 30 Septemberr 2015
- Video dikirim selambat – lambatnya pada tanggal 6 November 2015 pada pukul 23.00 WIB
- Untuk pengisian formulir Submit Video Klik Link berikut
Open Call For
Festival of Performance Art
Festival of Performance Art
Syarat dan ketentuan Festival of Performance Art
- Peserta wajib mengisi formulir yang telah di sediakan.
- Bagi peserta yang akan melakukan perform, wajib menyertakan story board / penjelasan secara rinci dan jelas mengenai tahap dan apa saja yang akan di lakukan pada saat perform dan di kirimkan ke alamat email
- Untuk langkah – langkah cara mengisi formulir ,bisa dilihat diakun media sosial rewindart.
- Pengisian formulir bisa dimulai tanggal 30 September 2015 dan selambat – lambatnya pada tanggal 6 November 2015 pada pukul 23.00 WIB
- Untuk pengisian formulir Festival of Performance Art silahkan klik Link berikut: