<< Rewind Art 17 : OPEN CALL for submission



Baligh refers to a person who reached maturity under islamic law. In arabic, the word itself means "reaching", meaning "a person who reached his maturity or puberty state".  In general, a person can be called mature if he/she has reached 17 years old.  At that time a person is able to cope, organize, and anticipate things. Individuals who reached that stage is in a critical position, constantly act skeptical towards obstacles and surroundings.

In other words, "Baligh" can be defined as "ripeness" in intellectual thinking and thoughtful whether it's positive, logical or the total opposites. the stages of maturity mentioned before is crystallize with real act of acknowledgement towards (social) circumstances. The inner strength existence give the effect from responses as and responsibility towards circumstances in focusing within the ambit of arts.

Performance Art is a media for artists' to express their perspective towards happening issues and phenomenon in a current time. The concept of "Baligh" is adopted as anniversary of << Rewind Art Community  as Performance Art movement event that has been undergoing in our campus for 17 years. The event has established spaces for perfomance artists' to work with their interpretation on humankind life transition in the ambit of time transformation, that is known as "age". One of performer's most responded discourse in this year's <



  1. Partisipan wajib mengisi formulir yang telah disediakan.
  2. Format video berupa .mp4, .avi atau format yang kompatibel dengan resolusi minimal 1920 x 1080 pixel.
  3. Durasi screening video 10 - 20 menit.
  4. Mengirimkan video ke  rewindart17@gmail.com  dan konfirmasi ke salah satu Contact person


  1. Participants must fill out a form that has been provided.
  2. Video must be in .mp4, .avi or any compatible format with minimal resolution 1920 x 1080 pixel.
  3. Duration of screening video 10 - 20 minutes.
  4. Send your video to rewindart17@gmail.com and confirm to one of our Contact Persons

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  1. Partisipan wajib mengisi formulir yang telah disediakan.
  2. Partisipan wajib menyertakan story board / deskripsi mengenai performance art yang akan ditampilkan ke rewindart17@gmail.com dan konfirmasi ke salah satu Contact Person

  1.          Participants must fill out a form that has been provided.
  2. ·        Participants must attach story board / brief explanation of performance art that will be hold and send it to rewindart17@gmail.com and confirm to one of our Contact Persons.
Below this link for submission form : bit.ly/rewindart17form

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To Participate, click the link below to fill out your form. Note that Close call is December 19th 2018 on 23.59 WIB.  We'll be waiting!

CP :

Dennis : 087889608805
     Poppy : 082373541808



Conor Lynch said…
OMGosh that is wonderful! l understand how much work is put into each scene. A Happy Healthy New Year to you and your family. You can check more of such designs and pics here at https://www.happynewyear2019wishesimages.com/. "Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery, to~day is a gift,
that's why it's called the present!.